“Me, no Goya beans. Only Mr. Bean,” tries desperately to explain to the woke left mob.
Read More about Woke left goes after Mr. Bean for his possible affiliation with Goya Beans
Imperialist US does it again, invades a newly born sovereign nation of "CHOP"
The world welcomes a newly born nation on the 4th of July
Read More about UN recognizes CHAZ as a sovereign nation on the 4th of July
No patient has ever come close to this remarkable achievement
Read More about A patient wins Oscar in the category of Best Drama Queen
Dr. Sorry trying his best to keep Mr. Smokie admitted to the hospital for Mr. Smokie's own benefit but he's one tough cookie.
Dr. I AM SORRY explains the dilemma and predicament of a doctor's gruesome life when he has to come across a "Hypochondriac" patient.
At least 400 physicians commit suicide every year that is equivalent to an entire class in a medical school. Physician burnout, Work related stress, lack of satisfaction and appreciation at work are being the top reasons. Dr. Sorry depicts the harsh reality of a physicians gruesome life in this episode.
"Its totally worth it to lose friends and family members over politics", claims Mr. Social Justice Warrior.