Yay, Its election year! Time to lose family & friends over politics and make new ones

Published: April 15, 2017

WASHINGTON P.C.- Its election year and Americans are so thrilled to lose their old friends and family members again over politics. “Its totally worth it. I mean who wants to be called the son of a racist xenophobe who supports the wall and believes only in legal immigration”, tells Mr. Social Justice Warrior to Satiristan team. “I mean only if I were not still living in my dad’s basement and had a job, I would have left him a long time ago”, he further explains. When we interviewed the dad of Mr. Social Justice Warrior, he seemed pretty chill with the idea of his son leaving his basement. “I have no problem with that but he’s been saying that for the past four years. Now he’s sounding more like Hollywood celebrities who promised to leave for Canada but we are still stuck with them”, says dad who doesn’t sound too hopeful. “Its gonna be hell of a thanksgiving again this year!”