Biden requests debates to be held in sign language since he can’t complete coherent sentences
Published: June 20, 2020
WASHINGTON P.C.,- In a very unique and unprecedented request, Biden asks for presidential debates to be held in sign language. When asked why, he explained, “You all know that thing?” “What thing Mr. Vice President?” asked an intrigued reporter. “That thing in which you answer to one person to look smarter than the other person standing beside you,” Biden replied. “You mean debate Mr. Vice President?” “Yes. Debate. Thank You! I can’t do it all by myself. I need a teleprompter or a sign language interpreter for that. Besides, I can sniff her hair from time to time just to stay awake.” Its unclear if Biden’s request is going to go through or not but a lot of female sign language interpreters were rumored to be quitting their jobs.